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                             1、 功能基因组学 (Functional Genomics)

                             2、合成生物学 (synthetic biology)

                             3、整合组学 (Integrated Omics)

  •         2007.9-2011.7    中国计量大学       获得工学学士学位
  •         2011.9-2014.7    北京中医药大学     获得医学硕士学位
  •         2014.9-2017.7    北京中医药大学     获得医学博士学位

               2017.7-至今  北京中医药大学生命科学学院   主要研究方向为功能基因组学, 合成生物学,整合组学


(1) 杨晓涵, 徐国杰等, 基于荧光偏振免疫分析技术检测药茶中的黄曲霉素(英文). 药学学报, 2017(04): p. 620-624.
(2) 廖彩丽, 刘春生, 张园园, 吴浩忠, 王学勇, 程小丽, 徐国杰, 基于中药系统鉴别法的金铁锁及其混淆品的精确鉴别. 中国中药杂志, 2013(08): p. 1134-1137.
(3) 李红霞, 王文祎, 徐国杰, 徐清, 张帆, 刘春生, 杨瑶珺, 采用电感耦合等离子质谱法检测水蛭药材中重金属的含量. 北京中医药大学学报, 2017(06): p. 498-502.




期刊名称 影响因子 发表时间:
A novel glucuronosyltransferase has an unprecedented ability to catalyse continuous two‐step glucuronosylation of glycyrrhetinic acid to yield glycyrrhizin 第一作者 New Phytologist 7.21  2016. 212(1)
 Development of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay for the Rapid Detection of Alternaria alternata 共同一作 J AOAC Int 0.918 2017. 100(1): p. 1-5
apid and Accurate Identification of Adulterants via an Electronic Nose and DNA Identification Platform: Identification of Fake Velvet Antlers as an Example 第一作者 Journal of Sensors 0.712 2016. 2016(23): p. 1-7
apid assessment of quality of deer antler slices by using an electronic nose coupled with chemometric analysis 第一作者 Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia 0.834 2014. 24(6): p. 716–721
 Development of deft amplification refractory mutation sequencing system (ARMSS) for discriminating Pilos antler based on a short cytochrome b (Cytb) gene 共同一作 Mitochondrial DNA 1.209 2014: p. 1-4
 Authentication of official Da-huang by sequencing and multiplex allele-specific PCR of a short maturase K gene 第一作者 Genome 1.558 2013. 56(2): p. 109-13
Development of new EST-derived SSRs in Salvia miltiorrhiza (Labiatae) in China and preliminary analysis of genetic diversity and population structure 第一作者 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 1.17 2013. 51: p. 308-313